Maria is a qualified, registered Clinical Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, with a vast understanding of the human body. Maria is currently based at Mount Maunganui, NZ,  with online and in person consultations consultations available, in both English and Portuguese. 
My passion for health started at young age, and since then I have been passionate about the human health and wellbeing. A dream to become a doctor and go to Medicine school, was interrupted by a deep phobia of blood. Yes-blood. So I studied Psychology instead back in Brazil.
But what truly solidified my path as a natural healthcare professional was a deeply emotional experience. Picture this: a call from my mother in Brazil, revealing that my beloved grandmother was critically ill and given only days to live, made me rushed back home, in Brazil. Despite the shock and emotional turmoil, I made a plan to help her. 
My passion for health started at young age, and since then I have been passionate about the human health and wellbeing. A dream to become a doctor and go to Medicine school, was interrupted by a deep phobia of blood. Yes-blood. So I studied Psychology instead back in Brazil.
But what truly solidified my path as a natural healthcare professional was a deeply emotional experience. Picture this: a call from my mother in Brazil, revealing that my beloved grandmother was critically ill and given only days to live, made me rushed back home, in Brazil. Despite the shock and emotional turmoil, I made a plan to help her. 
I packed my bags with a treasure trove of "potions," nutrient-dense foods, superfoods, supplements, and herbal remedies. The 24-hour journey felt agonizing, but I arrived at the hospital to find my grandmother in a frail state, unable to speak. This remarkable woman, my grandmother, had inspired many with her elegance and grace, and now was lying unable to speak or move. 
My grandmother had struggled with hypothyroidism and cardiovascular issues, but her doctor never addressed nutrition or her lyfestyle, to support her on ther health journey. She was on a multitude of medications.
I set up my station in the hospital room and stayed by my grandmother's side for four weeks, defying all expectations. I canceled the hospital food, prepared homemade bone broth, soups, and juices, and meticulously managed her medications and supplements. Within days, my grandmother was talking and sitting up, and able to hug me. 
Throughout those four weeks, we shared precious and life changing moments, including a heartfelt Mother's Day celebration in the hospital. We laughed, reminisced, and expressed our mutual love. Although my grandmother ultimately passed away, on  week 5,  I was grateful for the time we had to say goodbye and hold her hand during her final moments.
This experience shifted the course of my life. I returned to New Zealand, and pursued a career as a Clinical Naturopath and Medical Herbalist. My mission is to help others to lead a healthier, longer lives by harnessing the body's natural healing abilities, supported by nature, proper nutrition, and lifestyle choices. 
Maria and her grandma
"I strongly believe in our body’s own ability to heal, with the support from Nature, the right nutrition and the right lifestyle choices. I believe in evidence based Natural Medicine, and how that can complement conventional medicine when need it. Every one’s body, health and journey are unique and requires unique and individualized care, understanding that person’s life, history, environment, and past and present health.”

“On my first day at University, I crossed a walkway surrounded by Calla Lilies, these flowers used to grow in Grandma’s garden, and we would often gather them to decorate the house with it.  In that moment I knew I was on the right path.”