ABOUT naturopathy

Naturopathy is an evidence-based, patient-centred holistic healthcare system. It has a long history of traditional use and philosophies that still influence the way naturopaths practice today. Naturopaths have a sound knowledge of the inner workings of each system of the body, and how they flow and influence each other as a whole. Often times a naturopath will work alongside or in conjunction with conventional doctors, as well as other health practitioners, to ensure that all of your wellness goals are being met and that you as a whole person are being cared for the best way possible. In a naturopathic consult, a thorough case history is taken, evaluating all aspects of you as a person, and taking into account everything affecting your wellbeing. From your physical, spiritual and mental health; to your family history, diet and current lifestyle choices. 
The three main tools a naturopath utilises include nutrition, lifestyle improvement and natural medicines including herbs and nutraceuticals. Naturopathy can help with a high array of conditions, both acute (short term) and chronic (long-lasting). 
The herbal medicines we use have many traditional and historical uses, and now modern science is also showing their effects and benefits. Herbs are used by Naturopaths as they encourage what we call one vitality; which means that the herbs simply help to gently stimulate the body systems back into balance. Our bodies actually know how to be in a state of health and equilibrium - sometimes they just need a little extra help. Lastly, in regards to the philosophy behind Naturopathy, instead of treating the symptoms that arise when you are unwell or out of balance, we instead look for and target our treatments at the true cause for these symptoms. 
Naturopathy is much more than simply a medicine system, it encourages a lifestyle that promotes longevity, balance and can help you to really optimize your health. 

Why Naturopathic Medicine?

•	Naturopathic medicine offers you the chance to tell your health story in detail.
•	Naturopathic philosophy states that the primary goal is to get to the root cause, rather than focus on symptoms.
•	It is about being proactive, empowered and taking charge of your health
To achieve these goals, the primary focus is to work with each person on an individual level, creating a plan using natural medicines and lifestyle guidance to help them achieve their health goals for the long term. It is all about education and the right guidance to provide you with the tools to take charge of your health.

What does a typical Naturopathic visit involve?

•	The initial consultation takes 60 to 75 minutes,  and follow up appointments  are 30 to 45 minutes
•	A thorough review of your health history and goals
•	An in-depth assessment of diet, nutrition and lifestyle practices
•	Ordering of any tests if needed
•	Referring to other health care practitioners if needed
•	Creation of a comprehensive treatment plan to begin to work on your health goals.

Can we review the multiple health concerns that I have?

Yes! In fact, it is welcome if you share as much information as possible so a complete picture of your “whole” health can be reviewed, as NATUROPATHY believes in the principle that all is connected within the body, mind and soul.

How many visits will I need?

It depends on your concerns and health goals. For new clients, it can require more frequently visits initially, then work on the creation of a long term plan for patients in which they come and check in, once, maybe twice per year as needed.

Will I have the chance to ask questions?

Of course! The success of your treatment depends on each person taking an active role in their health plan. You are in charge of your wellness so it is of the utmost importance that you understand fully your treatment plan and what you need to do to achieve your goals.

Can I have both a Naturopath and a Medical Doctor?

Yes, most of the patients have both a Naturopath and a GP. Naturopathy believes in the  collaboration with other health care providers to ensure the best care and choice for each client. It definitely doesn’t have to be one or the other!

What concerns do you treat, and what general health services do you offer?

A significant part of Naturopathic practices work with concerns such as:
•	Digestive problems including; IBS, food allergies, heartburn, constipation, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
•	Women’s health issues; hormonal imbalance, infertility, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, menopausal concerns, pregnancy and post-partum care
•	Infant and Children’s health care including; diaper rash, allergies, eczema, asthma, colic, digestive concerns and infant food introduction
•	Migraine headaches
•	Seasonal and environmental allergies, asthma and auto-immune diseases
•	Eczema, psoriasis, acne and fungal infections of the skin, acne
•	Weight gain
•	Fatigue
•	Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, elevated cholesterol
•	Depression, insomnia, anxiety, chronic fatigue, attention deficit disorder

Acute appointments can cover

•	Colds, flu, allergies, ear infections, sore throats, urinary tract infections
•	Acute anxiety, low mood and energy

What type of education and training does a Naturopath have?

Naturopaths in New Zealand are required to complete a full Bachelor degree in Naturopathy and herbal medicine. The program involves intensive study in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, histology, pathology, pharmacology, immunology, infectious disease, chronic and acute pathologies, as well traditional Naturopathic medicine. During this time, there is extensive coursework in botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy and counselling. The last year of the program involves further study of the medical sciences and naturopathic medicine, and students are required to complete a minimum of 1500 hours of clinic practice. 
Naturopaths are trained to focus on the whole person, having a client-centred approach. The scope of practice within this profession consist of health assessment, disease prevention, health promotion and management of acute and chronic conditions by stimulating and supporting the body’s own capacity to heal itself. 
Modalities Naturopaths are qualified to use include nutrition, herbal medicine, life coaching and nutraceuticals.

Do Naturopaths work with other healthcare professionals?

Many extended healthcare plans cover all or a portion of naturopathic consultation and laboratory testing fees.  
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact Maria